On Air
Tracy Wilkinson - Wednesday Waves: Riding the Midweek Sound Waves
18:00 - 20:00

Alan Gordon

Catch up on Alan's last shows..

Presenters Choice

If you were to pick three songs to play on the radio, what would they be?

Q&A - Find Out More About Alan As We Ask
Him A Series Of Questions

You are having a dinner party, who would you invite (dead or alive)?
Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Bobby Womack, Michael Stipe & John Lennon

What is your favourite type of music?
Pretty much everything, although if pushed to name only one genre it would be soul

If you could interview one person, who would it be?
The first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong

What is your favourite thing about Ayrshire?
Mild climate and the quality golf courses

Where is the nicest place you've visited?
Slovenia, closely followed by Austria

What is you dream job?
Sports Journalist

If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?
Nothing - I'd be retired

Where is the last place you went on holiday?

What cheers you up?

Family & friends, music and hearing a good news story

Have you ever met anyone famous?
Amongst others Ronnie Corbett, Daley Thomson, John Bishop, Kevin Bridges and far to many footballers to mention

What is your favourite thing to spend money on?
Myself ;-) and family

If you could learn something new what would it be?
How to play saxophone like Clarence Clemons Jnr (The Big Man)

What do/did you do for a living?
Self employed business utility broker. Prior to that I worked for Scottish & Newcastle and Heineken

Night out or quiet night in?
Depends on the mood

Favourite drink?
Lager or Jack Daniels & Diet Coke

Favourite food?
Anything Greek or Indian

Tell us something unusual that we won't know about you?
I have been Three times Seniors Matchplay Champion of Troon St Meddans Golf Club

Who is your hero?
My late father, a truly great man and so sadly missed

Do you have any hobbies?
Following Aberdeen Football Club, Music, Golf and Reading